Saturday, January 22, 2011

ya, it's 2011.

it's been awhile i didn't post anything. too much thing to be written and be to shared since my last post back in 2010. been busy with my own work and family i guess. to those who are dear to me, you're not been forgotten. no, you're not been deleted. if i were to write a book, it could be as thick as The Bible with crappy writings & stories anyway.

now, wide-awake for the past 9 hours. Matt had a fever, yet he could still smile as he saw me last night. a hyper-active young Tiger. i just wonder, what on earth they've been mixing into the Formulated Milk.

listening to Mogwai now. their latest & 7th album. not bad. "Hardcore will never die, but you will"

no way am gonna be a Pelikat Man. well, i gotta be honest about it.

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